The Bluestem development team is keenly aware of the importance of smart and thoughtful construction, and as such they have chosen to create a multi-use development, in the vein of Bethesda Row and The Rotunda, that pushes the bar with an environmentally- and locally-sensitive design. With an innovative sense of creativity, the purpose is to infuse the Bare Hills community with modern facilities and amenities that will serve current and future generations. The Bluestem development team has committed to such a design in the following ways.
Environmentally Sensitive Construction Standards
While environmental sensitivity should be foremost in the mind of any development team, this need is emphasized in a space that is surrounded by delicate and unique ecosystems, such as the serpentine barrens at Lake Roland. The Bluestem development team is committed to implementing environmentally sensitive construction and development standards to ensure that there is little to no impact on the surrounding environment and that the development stands in harmony with, and not in opposition to, the aesthetic qualities that nature has already provided. The park has been the driving force behind not only the team’s visual aesthetics for the development, but also their functional designs as they seek to “bring the park into the project.” This is evidenced by their use of native plantings in the landscape architecture, their use of specialists with previous experience on Lake Roland projects, their commitment to extensive research on the unique microclimates that exist within the park and more. The hope is that this attention to detail regarding environmentally sensitive practices will transcend throughout other development projects throughout the county and become an expectation, rather than an innovation.
Bringing Modern Concepts to an Old Neighborhood
There is a clear and obvious need for multi-use developments in Baltimore County. As Baby Boomers seek to downsize and Millennials look for ways to enjoy urban amenities in a suburban environment, developers must construct spaces that meet these needs. The Bare Hills community is currently underserved in terms of retail, restaurant and rental living spaces, and the Bluestem development team seeks to serve this need through a mixed-use development that will provide all these needs, as well as give community members easier access to the bounty of natural beauty Lake Roland park has to offer.
Additionally, the current infrastructure and stormwater management surrounding Lake Roland is old and often outdated in terms of modern construction, environmental and safety codes. This takes a toll on community members and the natural environment. The Bluestem development team is committed to constructing a state-of-the-art stormwater management that not only meets current standards but surpasses them. In addition, it will provide modern infrastructure to the area by being environmentally sustainable, and serve as an example of one of the ways county neighborhoods can be revitalized to meet the ever-growing demands for quality housing and retail accessibility.