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Spotlight: The Traffic Group

The Traffic Group is a leading national traffic engineering and transportation planning firm with headquarters located in Baltimore, Maryland. Established in 1985, The Traffic Group specializes in projects that concern traffic and transportation planning issues. With the help of more…

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Parking and Accessibility Still a Challenge for Lake Roland Park-Goers

According to the Lake Roland Nature Council (LRNC), park attendance has skyrocketed in the last decade— in the early 2000s, approximately 40,000 people visited the park each year, compared to nearly 450,000 people per year in 2018. Despite LRNC’s tremendously…

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The Rise of “Surban” Living

What is “Surban” Living? The term “surban,” which was coined by John Burns Real Estate Consulting, refers to a suburban community that offers the amenities and conveniences that urban areas typically offer. Surban communities are distinguished by their low crime…

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Community Focused

In years past, the term “development” has perhaps left a less-than-pleasant taste in the mouths of community members. This hesitation toward development was not unreasonable, considering some of the environmental practices of old and the push toward faceless, big-box convenience…

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